Analyzing Various Forms of Media---Books vs. Movies

10/18/2009 12:39

After viewing the two movies, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs and Where the Wild Things Are, we compared the movie version of each with the book version.  We noted that, oftentimes, the filmmakers' interpretations delineated from the books and our own interpretatons.

When asked which form of media they preferred, Aliyy stated, "I like the movie version of Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs because it had more action, but I  prefer the book version of Where the Wild Things Are because it wasn't that violent.  

Qawiyya states, "Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs was super funny!...I liked when the policeman said, 'You see my contact?  This is you.  I got my eyes on you'.  Qawiyya agreed with Aliyy regarding the movie version of Where the Wild Things Are.  She added, "It was violent and destructive. Overall, I didn't like that movie."

Ayana also preferred the book version of Where the Wild Things Are, but for different reasons.  She stated "...the monster does not swallow Max... and in the book, Max doesn't tell his mom a story."  She also preferred the book version of Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs because, "In the book, the girl and boy didn't kiss."

Naabiah, who is a fan of the story Where the Wild Things Are, liked the movie and book version.

A final question posed for the older chilldren was, "Do you think various forms of media influence peoples' behavior, OR do peoples' behavior influence various forms of media?"   What do you think?

